Raising Baby Chicks Essential Tools & Supplies

Raising Baby Chicks:
Essential Tools & Supplies

Raising baby chicks is an exciting and rewarding venture, but ensuring their well-being requires the right tools and equipment. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential items every aspiring chicken parent needs for a successful and healthy brooding experience!

Be a good momma or papa hen and gather all of the necessary tools BEFORE getting chicks!

1. Brooder

Link to Product: Pop Up Brooder

A secure and well-ventilated brooder is the chicks’ home during their early days. They will live here until they are fully feathered which typically takes 6-8 weeks. It shields them from drafts and predators while containing the necessary warmth. Choose a spacious brooder that allows chicks to move around comfortably. The pop up brooder from My Pet Chicken makes an excellent home for your baby chicks that can be used year after year. 

Keep it clean and sanitized to ensure a healthy living environment. I’d recommend one with a top to keep chicks in when they begin to grow and become flighty.

2. Brooder Heat Plate

Link to Product: Brooder Plate

The brooder heat plate is a crucial tool for mimicking the warmth provided by a mother hen. Unlike traditional heat lamps, these plates offer a more natural environment, reducing the risk of overheating or fire hazards. Position the heat plate in the brooder at the recommended height, providing a warm space for chicks to huddle and thrive. Simply raise the plates height as your chicks grow.

3. Waterer

Link to Product: Waterer

Hydration is key for the growth and development of baby chicks. A purpose-built waterer with a shallow base prevents accidental drowning and ensures easy access for the chicks. Regularly clean and replenish the water to maintain a clean living environment and optimal health.

4. Feeder

Link to Product: Feeder

Nutrition is vital for young chicks, and a suitable feeder makes feeding them a breeze. Choose a feeder designed to prevent waste and contamination. This ensures that the chicks receive a consistent and clean supply of feed, promoting healthy growth.

5. Feed

Link to Product: Starter Feed

Providing the right feed is essential for supporting the chicks’ nutritional needs. Specialized chick feed contains the right balance of proteins and nutrients crucial for their early development. As they grow, become fully feathered and begin laying eggs, you can switch to a layer feed more balanced for production. 

6. Grit

Link to Product: Grit

Grit aids in a chickens digestion by helping them grind down grains in their crops. Introduce grit gradually, and choose a size appropriate for young chicks. This simple addition to their diet promotes a healthy digestive system, ensuring they absorb the maximum nutrients from their feed, and prevents problems like binding our sour crop.

7. Bedding

Link to Product: Premium Hemp Bedding

Comfort and cleanliness are paramount in the brooder, and hemp bedding offers an excellent solution! It’s highly absorbent, controls odors, and provides a soft surface for the chicks. Regularly change the bedding to maintain a hygienic environment and support the chicks’ overall well-being.

Raising baby chicks requires thoughtful preparation, and having the right tools can make all the difference. By investing in these essentials you’re ensuring a comfortable and healthy start for your new feathered friends. I hope this guide gives you the knowledge and confidence to start raising baby chicks at home.

P.S. Don’t forget about a chicken coop! Your chicks will need a place to call home before you know it.

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