Meet the girls
Bok! (Hello) and welcome to the first installment of Whats Pekin’. My name is Marbles, and I am here to speak for all 9 of my sisters in our first post. We wanted to take the time to introduce ourselves before we got into the details of our daily lives and useful tips. We have been living with our human parents since Easter of 2019, when they picked us up at less than a week old from their local farming store. From the moment we arrived at our new home with a nice warm brooder, fresh clean water, yummy chick food, and a large pen filled with cedar chips to run in, we knew we were in good hands. Once we got old enough that we were all feathered out, our parents introduced us to this large enclosure that was filled with grass, dirt, and bugs! At first we would only spend a little bit of time out there each day, but eventually we got to spend all of our days out there! Once the nights got warm enough for us to stay outside they introduced us to our new coop! It was very spacious, probably enough to fit 20 of us fully grown, three nesting boxes, and 2x4s for roosting. We were in chicken heaven! Now I don’t want to take all the spotlight away from my sisters so I’ll let them (speak) bok!
Hello, I am Roxy. I got my name because I am the sassiest Barred Rock of all my sisters! I like my alone time but also love foraging and chasing bugs.

I am Neptune. My parents named me because I have a black spot on my chest which reminds them of the planet Neptune! I am by far the most vocal of my Barred Rock sisters and I love speaking my mind, to everyone!
My name is Aphrodite. I got my name because I am the prettiest Barred Rock of all my sisters. I love to strut around and show off just how big and bold I am!

Bok Bok! my name is Ruby. I am a Rhode Island Red and the talkative wild child of the bunch! I am named for my beautiful ruby colored feathers. I can jump really high and I love to escape the yard and explore the neighborhood!
My name is Goobles, I am a Rhode Island Red and named for well, my long goobles! I am the mediator of the group and try my best to keep order among my sisters. Stop peckin’ on her!

My name is Big Momma!I got my name because I am the biggest of all my Rhode Island Red sisters. I am the most docile but don’t like being touched!
My name is Invader Zim, or Zimmer for short. I am an adopted Red Runner that found my way into the flock around December of 2019. I flew the coop from one of our neighbors yards and I have lived here ever since! My old dad is happy that I am happy with my new family.

My name is Night Queen. I am a Golden Comet and named for my beautiful white tail feathers. My parents were watching Game of Thrones when they named me as a chick and I also liked to roost above all my sisters on top of our feeder when I was a baby.

My name is Goldie , I am a Golden comet name after my shimmering gold feathers. I my be the smallest of my sisters but I am the alpha. I love to accompany my sister Neptune and criticize our humans about everything!

Bok! I totally forgot to introduce myself, I am Marbles. I am also the last golden comet of the group and I am named after my marble pattern of white and gold feathers. I love to break into the garden and eat all of the delicious tomatoes.
We really just wanted to give a brief introduction of who we are and how are human parents adopted us. Each month after this we will have more descriptive posts about our lives and how to raise chickens of your own. I hope you enjoyed meeting us because we sure enjoyed meeting you, Bok!